Monday 5 June 2017

Super Honesty Time

This post is kind of embarrassing.

But it's something quite a few people deal with and it sucks.

If someone had found a solution for this problem and not told me about it I would want to smack them. So since I don't want anyone to smack me, I'm going to share what I've discovered.

My problem started back in high school.

I would be sitting in class, temperature of the room was normal, I wasn't necessarily nervous (maybe if I had a test or presentation coming up) but for the most part I felt fine. But for some stupid reason my armpits felt the need to leak.


Who knows. Not me. It had me so frustrated. I would leave class to go air dry my shirt in the bathroom because of the river that had sprung forth.

I tried everything. The crystals, au natrual, clinical strength deodorant, even men's. But it wasn't that my arm pits were smelly, just wet. All the time. Wet.

Fast-forward to my mid-twenties. I still struggled with it. Every shirt I own is stained. And usually within three wears. Which is pathetic. I don't like buying clothes because I know they are going to be ruined in a month. Super lame. Right?

I know all the little tricks to try and remove pit stains or try to prevent them. I've tried walking with Kleenex under my arms. It's not as fun as it sounds.

While I was pregnant I had had enough. All my precious maternity shirts were ruined. I asked my doctor - he recommended Botox. And while I'd love to be that cool, I'm not that rich. So I searched and searched and prayed. Finally I found something. Now since this product isn't recommended while pregnant or breastfeeding, I had to wait. But I finally tried it.

My life has forever been changed.

It's been two days and not a drop of sweat. I don't care if that's not natural, because what's even more unnatural is not lifting my arms up... ever.

Here's the deal, I was going to post a link to the product for everyone to enjoy, but since I had the courage to make an entire post about my sweaty armpits, if you want to know the product... you need to comment.

Yeah, I'm mean like that.

I don't sell it. I'm not making money off of it in anyway. I'm not trying to sucker you into messaging me and then I try to make you join my army of non-sweaty pitted people. I just want to know that there's other people out there who may have struggled or are struggling too. So that's my catch. You have to come forward with your sweaty arm raised and say "I want help". Got it?

It's a money back guarantee product and it even works on other areas of the body.

So don't delay. Did I mention it's only $14.95 right now!?!?

1 comment:

  1. I really want to know my sister and I would like to know the secret...(and Secret may be strong enough for a man, and made for a woman...but it doesn't stop the river of sweat).
