Not gonna lie.
These last few days were butt awful.
I could have just done without them. I felt no purpose in them. They were lame and I didn't need it.
Not one thing in particular, just an accumulation of stinky pathetic rotten things. An overdue to-do list. Dirty floors that my bare feet didn't want to touch. No clothes because the mountain of laundry had made it's own postal code. Unpleasant conversations. Stress. But...
Mostly my attitude.
I was not nose blind to the stench of my own sourness. Even though I tried my best to deflect the reason onto my rough circumstances. The truth was, I have had worse circumstances.
But something in my attitude was fouler than the kitchen garbage can after a few of Wesley's explosive diapers.
I got to the point where I just "couldn't even". I didn't want to do anything except maybe eat a whole bowl of cookie dough while watching The Office series all over again.
Then I took it to God in prayer.
Honestly I don't know how I would handle life without the maker of it. It's like talking to Steve Jobs when you have a problem with your Apple product, and let's face it, Apple has a lot of issues. ;)
Something about knowing I could visit the cross in the middle of my chaos without judgement, set my heart and mind at peace. Suddenly things aren't that bad. I refocused.
I didn't stare that the literal mess around me - but the vision ahead of me. The love over me. The angel army beside me.
Is life tough for you too? I bet it can be sometimes because you're human. And it's ok to be. Just don't wallow in the misery. Take it to Jesus with a little praise!
P.S. I saw a news article today of a public figure who took his life. I wonder what would of happened if he knew he didn't need to bare is burdens alone.
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