Seven Months
Can sit on his own
Tips over sometimes
Loves to cuddle and gab
Always smiling, giggling, and shaking his head
Holds his own bottle
Loves seeing his own reflection
Wakes up about 2 times a night
Loves his baby food
Tips over sometimes
Loves to cuddle and gab
Always smiling, giggling, and shaking his head
Holds his own bottle
Loves seeing his own reflection
Wakes up about 2 times a night
Loves his baby food
Eight Months
Learning how to interact with objects
Figured out how to roll efficiently ;)
Actually enjoys being on his tummy
Eats a little bit of finger foods
Sings himself to sleep in the car
Laughs at the puppy
Goes to bed around 8pm; only wakes up once
Nine Months
Can stand while holding on to something
Getting very curious about everything
Knows how to open cupboards
Kind of shuffles on his bum sometimes
Very sensitive to the word no
Started sleeping right through the night (on mama's birthday)
Two little teeth poked through (bottom middle)
Ten Months
Can pull himself to standing
Loves to watch the world from the front window
Says "dada" a lot!
Started rejecting his soother except for night
Army crawls a little bit
Loves walking in his walker from Auntie Ria
Prefers just playing with one toy
More teeth coming; can be pretty fussy
Started clapping
Eleven Months
Realized how to crawl in one day
Two more teeth ontop
Loves to walk while holding onto fingers
Usually standing in his crib when I go get him
Quite content to play alone
Pretty attached to mama
Figured out how to climb stairs
Three more teeth
One Year
Eight teeth total
Grabs my fingers and walks me to the back door
LOVES to be outside!
Appetite for life and food!
Walks around the house with his push walker
Loves to give wide open mouth kisses
Likes to watch people
Lights up when he sees mama and dada
Flexes his muscles around Gamma and Gampa
Although we're in the stage of learning, which often results in a lot more bumps and tears, his zest for life is infectious! He's always doing something! But he still is a cuddle bug sometimes, and can sit still for a good amount of time.
Here's to many many more years!!!
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